Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2007: A Year of Knitting

2007 was a very productive year for me in terms of knitting... I really developed as a knitter over the year and tried a lot of new techniques: cabling, fair isle, lace, seaming and finishing, entrelac. I feel like I learned quite a bit about different fibers, how they look, how they drape, what they can be used for (i.e., don't use cotton to make a skirt!).
In 2007 I finished:
3 pairs of mittens
3 sweaters
6 pairs of socks
3 tank tops
7 hats
7 dishcloths
6 scarves
1 coin purse
1 felted box
1 skirt
1 shawl
1 baby sweater
1 pair baby booties
2 crochet birdies
1 headband

I've been trying to think of what my favorites from this year are... its so hard to pick, though. The skirt was the first major project that I did and I loved it before it stretched all out... I am very proud of the Swallowtail shawl, I feel like it was a big accomplishment, however it's not something I wear very often. I am also proud of the fair isle mittens... again, it was something more difficult that I had not done before and they are beautiful. As for wearability, I have worn my striped cardigan quite a few times (and always get compliments!). My other favorites are: Wisp, Liesel, and Molly's socks. All in all, it was a tremendous year for knitting and I hope to learn even more in 2008!