Also I re-did the bottom of the sweater and finally blocked it, so hopefully after this you won't hear much about that anymore. It's cute, but not exactly how I envisioned it. I think the yarn was chunkier than I imagined. Oh well.
I wasn't sure who it was for, and when I got done, I really liked it and couldn't think of anyone else that would wear a bright yellow hat, so I decided to keep it. I'm really proud of coming up with these patterns myself. I know I keep it pretty basic, but it's so much more enjoyable to me to knit something I'm coming up with rather than just follow patterns. I think that is why I have already gotten sick of the little green (blue) clutch It looks really good, and I've probably spent more time admiring the pattern than actually knitting it.
But when I get around to it, I think it'll be very cute. So, that's a real workload when my deadline is next Tuesday when school starts. We'll see how far I get. If I'm housebound by this 0 degree weather all weekend, I probably won't do too bad...
Love love love that hat! Mittens look cute. Sweater looks good. Little blue clutch is adorable. I'm jealous of how good you are at designing... Whenever I try to design something it turns out like crap.
And hey, what happened to your boycott of dpns?
Well, as you said, the stitches will stay on if you don't have too many stitches on them, and i knew i had to face my fears sometime. I mean, why should I limit myself like that?
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