I finally found the picture of Sophie. She's cuter than she looks in this picture, but its all okay because she found a home!!! But, now I just got an email that there is a mother and 8 puppies that are starving and have been abused that they need a home for. I want to take them, but I just can't handle 9 more dogs!!! Its so sad that people can treat animals like that. The guy that had them said he was going to shoot them if someone didn't take them. It makes my heart

I am still on my container kick, but I thought I would show you a picture of what I have so far. The blue one is made from one of the sweaters I bought at Goodwill when I was home, the middle one is a felted bowl, and the far one is made from string with wool trim. If I do another string one, I will use 2 strands instead of one because I think that will make is sturdier.
I bought a sewing machine the other day, nothing fancy, but I am excited to start using it.

Unfortunately, I haven't had the time. I want to finish the quilt for Bill in time for Valentine's Day. I don't know if that is realistic or not. I also want to make some curtains and maybe a pillow or something. You can see in the background of the picture my blue box at work.
As for my knitting, I have to rip out part of that tank top and redo it, and more containers, and start the other sock from Mom. But its the beginning of the semester and there's limited amount of time. Spring is especially busy for me, you know.
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