But anyway, I got a new camera, so I've been taking lots o pictures lately. I don't have any finished projects, because (suprise!) I actually have work to get done these days. But I have had a little bit of time to do some knitting and I thought I'd show what I'm working on.
So here is how my socks are coming along. I love them! The yarn is so fun because I never know what color is going to pop up next. I did them in a 2x2 rib, so they are very nice a squishy and comfy. I keep trying the finished one on, but then my other foot always gets cold...
And this is my Honeymoon Cami, sans honeymoon. But anyway, the lace bottom part just isn't looking like the model one. I redid it 3 times. Either I just don't get it or something is wrong. I think it might be the yarn. I'm fine with the way it looks, though, so I am (obviously) forging ahead.
And my next project... Print-o-the-wave stole. I have been slightly obsessed with knitting impractical things lately (is it possible to be only slightly obsessed?). This is one of them. I will have no place to wear this shawl, but maybe I can hang it on the wall or something. That is, if I ever finish it. I have deemed it my summer/Bankhead project. So hopefully, but the end of summer it will be finished. I have wanted to try the lace thing for a while now. But first, I must tackle the task of winding the 1,300 yard hank into a ball. That alone could take me weeks.
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