Friday, December 21, 2007

Where Did My MoJo GoGo?

So, 4 days until Christmas. I have two projects to finish up. Well, one really hasn't even been started, but I won't think about that... And my knitting mojo is gone. I have not picked up the needles all week. Not even at the Cast Aways meeting last night. Uh oh. It all has to do with the fact that I have a deadline, and *must* finish these things, so I just don't want to. I usually don't force myself to knit if I don't want to. Its supposed to be fun, right? But, these circumstances are different. So, I am hoping that I run across some mojo somewhere between Alabama and Wisconsin (and preferably closer to Alabama) tomorrow.

I have been doing a lot of kinda fancy stuff lately and all I am interested in right now is mindless stockinette. Thats what I want. All I can think about is casting on for some plain old stockinette socks, but I haven't, trying to tell myself... if you just finish this one thing, then you can do whatever you want! It isn't working. Instead I just pet my yarn. Petting my yarn is one of my most favorite things to do. I love yarn.

And speaking of yarn, I have entered all my stashed yarn on Ravelry, and once you do that, you can download that into an excel file and calculate how many yards of yarn you have.... uh, my number is close to 20,000 yards. This is getting out of hand. I have been trying so hard to knit only from my stash, but with the holidays, I had to buy some yarn, and then Yarn Expressions had a really awsome sale where I got a whole bag of Jo Sharp Silkroad Tweed for 60% off. I just couldn't pass it up! And then I lose my knitting mojo...

Merry Christmas, Jamie!
Molly, I'll see you tomorrow!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I hear ya! I can't do anything if I know I have to! Procrastination is a killer.
Good luck finishing up.
Safe travels to you both.
Christmas Hugs!