Also a sweater update... I am soooo close. But with a calc final Friday, I probably won't finish until the weekend. Also notice the sweater is displayed on none other than.... my beloved blanket that I FINALLY got returned to me last weekend, with a nasty note, after three months of trying to get it back, after giving it to Brian the DAY he stopped talking to me/answering calls/ and went back to his exgirlfriend who he now lives with after moving to Chicago and moving back again three weeks later, (that's the short story, Jaime, if you haven't heard). Oy. It's super warm and cozy though. I'm so glad I got it back; isn't it beautiful?
Anyway, with the sweater, do you know if I block it if it will keep the bottom and the neckline from curling? If so, do i necessarily have to pin it down to something or can i just shape it and hope it stays? I don't have an ironing board.
The sweater looks incredible! I think it will fit perfectly. As for blocking, it may help somewhat with the curling, but it will still probably curl a little. Definately pin it, though. I would let it soak in some cool water with dish soap for about 20 minutes or so, then rinse it, put it in the spin cycle on your washer if you have one, or else roll it in a towel and stand on the towel to get the excess moisture out. Then takes some clean, dry towels and put them on the floor, and pin the sweater to the towels and wait for it to dry. But make sure it is competely dry before unpinning. I know it takes a couple days, but it will look so much nicer after blocking. I can't wait to show you guys my sweater. I just have to get some good pictures of it.
Those hats are impressive. Great cables and design. I'm glad you got your blanket back. Wow, that was a crazy story....but I'm sure the nasty note was worth getting the blanket back. I love it! Also the sweater is so cool. I'm very impressed. I can't wait to see it all blocked up and ready to go. Your sister's suggestions are great for blocking and also sometimes if you need more blocking after soaking, I sometimes use a spray bottle to do some fine tuning.
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