Monday, February 5, 2007

Not Much

That sweater is gorgeous. I am so jealous of all the knitting you've been doing, and I hardly hardly have time to work on my three projects....Everything is near standstill. But I have been reading The Sun Also Rises which I really enjoy. I know you said you really liked one of Hemingway's books but I can't remember which it was.

So, that's why I'm at a loss for photos and really at a loss for crafty updates....Although I can't say I'm too unhappy with my busy life... I've been finding time to just enjoy things like, last night I made delicious dinner for some friends, and tonight I went to see a comedy show tonight atBryant Lake Bowl, a pretty cool restaurant-bowling alley-theatre in Uptown. The photos are of the Winter Carnival. Notice how they don't due the temperature justice. This weekend we had a pot-luck in Pillsbury, the geology building on campus. The geo club is trying to make a habit of having pot-lucks every couple weeks or so, and it's cool because so many people go (undergrads, grads, and profs) and everyone brings delicious food and wine or beer. I never knew geologists were such drinkers, but turns out, they have quite a reputation.

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