I've returned from the wild, wild west with proud achievements, sort of

Speaking of kids, does anyone know any 12 year olds, because I accidentally made a tank top that would only fit a 12 year old. It's really cute!! But I think I'd need more than just a diet to make it fit me. I've even got a little rock hammer for scale for you (I've been in the field too long!). I'm sure I'll find someone though. I made up the pattern and had to restart about 18 times, first it was waaaaaaaay too big, then it was waaaaaaay too small, then it was still too small, then I thought it was just right (WRONG) ... Oh well. Maybe I'll make another one that actually fits, because I think at least the shaping/pattern I made up is pretty cute.
As far as all the amazing things I saw out west, in Montana, Idaho, Utah and (east/northeast) Nevada... you should check out
mylittleredbicycle for photos. But I will leave you with this one... a view from the top of Block Mountain, which was in one of our field area for intro camp.
cute tank top, although I don't know any 12 year olds.
You have some awesome photos, too.
It's so good to have you back. I checked out your site and it looks like you had a beautiful time. Love the tank....projects that are started, ripped, started, ripped, started can be a pain and sometimes you just have to throw in the towel and just finish! i don't know any 12 year olds either. Good luck.
I'm so excited to come see you girls in the fall! Can we go on a geo walk?
The blanket is for my uncle Doug, he's 39 and was just diagnosed with cancer (stage IV colon cancer, not good). This is my mom's (and my) attempt to do what we can to make him (and ourselves) feel better when we're feeling like there is not much we can do.
I'm sorry about your uncle! But I'm sure he is going to love the gorgeous blanket!
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