Not much time for knitting, though. I knit a few days, but we were working 10 to 13 hour days, so there really wasn't much leisure time. And pretty much all the leisure time I had I spent sleeping. But now that I'm back home, I've had more time for the sticks... I'm working on the fourth version of a baby sweater for my friend's baby. She's having a girl (yay! the first girl of all my friends' babies). I've finally decided on Helena, from the most recent issue of Knitty.
I've pretty much done all of this over the weekend... I've been working on it like crazy so I can send it off before the baby comes. And because I have a ton of other gifts to work on... everyone I know is either getting married or having babies. I really like to give personalized gifts, especially for my close friends, but it is getting to be a lot of work!
I also started a pair of socks, Retro Rib from Favorite Socks. I'm making them with yarn I dyed last summer with coreopsis flowers. Cheryl dyed a bit of the yarn brown for me so that I can have contrasting heels and toes... I think they are going to look really nice.
what happened with the baby sweater you started here? Did it get done in time?
decided against that one... that is what I mean by this one being the fourth version of it...
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