Monday, May 14, 2007

Free at Last!

I have finished one panel, it's true. The photo isn't the best but you get the idea.... I'm feeling rather intimidated by the prospect of doing that all over again, even though you said it goes faster.... But I gotta admit I'm excited about wearing it....

Jamie THANK YOU so much for the package! That was so thoughtful of you! I got it when I finally got home, but that yarn is gorgeous! I found one pattern in one magazine that I want to attempt, and even though i'm going to be busy I have decided that really there is no point in stressing out about finishing my classes at this point, so I'll just take it easy. I will not be denied my summer!! And if nothing else, I will definitly have time to knit on the drive out to Montana.

As far as the running goes, I think I over-did it a bit. There are these great lakes in Minneapolis and these great bike trails to them, but it's about a 30-45 minute bike ride there. It's been gorgeous here and so the day after I got out, I biked to the beach and attempted to run in the 85 degree heat of the afternoon around the lake. Needless to say, after laying in bed for three weeks straight I didn't get far. My legs are sore and achy, but it feels good. It'll just take a while to get back into the swing of things. I'd love to hear your suggestions about what to eat when I am training, what's the best for before and after running and stuff like that... I did know that you are a dietitian so that did make sense to me. :) I have another friend who ran last year and wants to run, too so having him as a reference will help a lot, too.

I'll leave you with the first shot (a little blurry) of the new, clot-free, healthy me! (knock on wood) Twins game last night, we picked a good one to go to, they won 13-4! Lots of home runs!


Jamie said...

It looks fabulous! I'm so jealous....I've been working on a log cabin baby blanket for the past week (which is almost finished) so the skirt has been on hold. I also find it very difficult to knit the skirt with Kane around. He's very distracting (I know he doesn't mean to be). I'm glad you liked the's the least I could do =)
I'll pull together some info for you re: marathoning. You look like a million bucks in the pic! And I hear ya', you definitely deserve a fun summer. Cheers!

Jill said...

Your skirt looks great! Don't worry about the second panel - mine went much faster. I can't wait to see it...