Sunday, April 1, 2007

Well it has been a while since there's been any news on here from me, so here I am again... I haven't disappeared completely! I am in the hospital again, but I'm in a good mood (as long as I've got some vicadin in me for my leg.... it hurts a lot otherwise!) and since I slept all day long, it's 1022 and I'm wide awake. And since I've just got one IV which is rather painless, unlike before, I think I'm going to finally get back to knitting on this skirt. This skirt, which thanks to your horror stories, I'm a little worried about, but I'm still on the first lace squares still so I'll just plug on through until I find some problems of my own....

So, since I have no gorgeous pictures of Utah mountains or springtime in the South to share, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to see any pictures I might take of where I've been lately, that's about all I have to share. Hopefully I'll have more good news soon... from a more comfortable bed!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I'm glad to hear that you are doing better and that you enjoyed the mountain pictures. I've been sending you many healing vibes!