Thursday, May 8, 2008

We're Here!

We made it: me, Frazier, and all my junk:

And all my stuff was delivered today... So I've got lots of work to do to get everything unpacked and put away and organized. I am most excited about the kitchen. I've always wanted a cute little eat-in kitchen like this. I am planning on painting the kitchen yellow one of these days. I just wish someone else could do it for me!

Knitting was virtually non-existent last month. I think I knit, maybe, once. But now that I'm getting settled, the thesis is finished and turned in (yay!), and the first week of the new job has been survived, I think I will get back to knitting and sewing. I've already found a knitting group that I think I'm going to join this Monday. We'll see how that goes... I know it won't compare to my knitsters in Huntsville! I've got plans for lots of sewing too. We'll see if I ever actually do it. I always have plans for sewing but rarely actually do it.

Anyway, I've got unpacking to do! More pictures later...

1 comment:

Molly said...

Yay! I can't wait to get there!