I've been busy the last few days. I started a lot and didn't finish much - until today, that is. This weekend I went out to Bankhead to help Bill out with habitat plots, but I was able to do some dyeing - this time using oak leaves and
curled dock. The oak leaves produced a gorgeous oaky-brown color and the dock leaves, a light sage green. The brown from the oak really does look like wood! They both turned out really great and will look good together - I think I will make a hat with them. I also collected roots from the dock plants for dyeing, but they had to soak for a few days. They are simmering on the stove as we speak - they are supposed to produce a dark brown color. I think next I am going to try to make some variagated sock yarn with these earth-toned colors. I haven't tried variagated yarn yet, and I'm not sure how to go about it, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

This morning I finished up a few projects that had been lying around. First off, these adorable baby booties. There is a free pattern
here. They are for a high-school friend who is expecting a boy in October. I used some yarn (Katia Mississippi 3) I found at the thrift store for 99 cents. And there is still enough yarn for about 5 more booties. Yea for thrift store yarn! The second thing I finished off this morning is this little top I sewed up. I found a shirt at that I really liked for $58, and decided that I could most definately make that myself, so I went directly to Hancock Fabrics and found a pattern and some fabric (that was nothing like the shirt in the store). I had troubles with the elastic at the top and had to rip it out, but I finally figured out how to do it (my way) this morning. You can sort of see my new hair cut in the picture, but I thought I'd add another one since there have been so many requests. Its really hard to take a picture of myself without making my nose look like Pinocchio, so this will have to do. The hair is cuter in real life, too.

All the Christmas yarn I ordered came last Friday. I think I have a lot of knitting to get to!
The hair is really cute! It makes me want to cut all mine off and have it short like that. I've been thinking about it since I feel like all it does is get tangled up and then i have to spend hours in the shower untangling it every time. And it never looks good now that I have to wear a helmet everywhere. But I guess the helmet thing would just be worse with short hair... I don't know. I'll probably decide to cut it off sometime soon though.
I like the hair too. I was just thinking of chopping mine off too, but Bill can tell you how that turns out. It's been so hot here, but my hair is so thick it really doesn't matter if it's short or long. Those booties are so cute, and I love the colors of the yarn. Bill told me he wants his sweater out of oak dyed yarn, I tried to discourage him, telling him how challenging that might be with dye lots,etc. So that might help you out for awhile.
Found your via Ravelry. Love the shirt!
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