I ride the train to work 3 to 4 days a week. Its an hour and 20 minute ride each way, so that provides lots of knitting time. I usually knit about half of the way in the morning and the whole way home (except when I'm roped into playing poker. Which I always win.). Anyway, I really don't mind the train part of the commute - I've made quite a few friends and its a nice way to wind down after work. We actually have a lot of fun. What I don't like is that I dont like is that I don't get home until almost 7pm. My day is spent pretty much at work or getting there and back. Its kind of a drag.
But on to knitting:
First off, I finished a sock I have been working on forever. Its a pretty simple basket weave pattern in a purple and black yarn (Crystal Yarn Panda Wool) that I bought when Molly and I were in Austin last spring. I have yet to cast on for the second sock...

Otherwise, I have been on a sweater mission this winter. I started two sweaters; the first is a cozy sweater knit in bulky wool (I'm using Berocco Peruvian Quick). It is a hybrid between
these two patterns. I have the body finished and I just started on the shawl collar. Its really too bulky at this point to take on the train, so it hasn't gotten much knitting time lately.

The second sweater is a top-down raglan sweater I am knitting in some sport weight cotton I have had forever. Its going to be a pretty simple striped sweater/tunic with bell sleeves. I am having a lot of fun with this one because I am using a "
sweater calculator" and just making the rest up as I go. I think it will be nice for spring, which is already here in Albqueruque. It has been in the 60's lately :)

1 comment:
Impressive knitting.....and wow, you've been given the gift of knitting time, but I can see what you are saying. 1:20 is pretty hardcore two times a day! How's the job going?
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