I have started a new hobby. It is printing. I have invested in some high quality equipment to the tune of $60 and renovated the craft space to be my new printing center. The photo above shows the disarray of the kitchen before said renovation. My first project was a tandem bicycle carving in linoleum. I've been doing a lot of simple prints on fabric to give to friends as patches.

I can just sew the edges with some zig zag stitch (if only the sewing machines were my friends) and Voila, a personalized piece of art to sport on your backpack or bulletin board! I've also purchased a few cute tops at Target for $3.24 to print on. One of them is below, with a series of bicycles printed up the top.

I have also done a few cuts in gum pads, which are a little cheaper than linoleum (and much much much much easier to find?) , but I'm not impressed. It is basically the same as cutting into an eraser, and just as easy to break. I had a nice little cut with a series of stems and leaves but it broke in half, and now I'm waiting and hoping Elmers will fix it. It is much softer to carve into, but it is also much easier to chip and just isn't as sturdy. Linoleum is very stiff and takes some elbow grease to carve into, but I think the end product provides much crisper edges and a stamp that will last much longer. I bought the only small sized linoleum block at the local art store, and Michael's doesn't even know what linoleum cutting is. boo.
Anyway, more prints to come but those are all the photos I have right now!
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