Have I mentioned my new-found obsession with picnics? Ever since I made that picnic blanket a few weeks ago I have been thinking about my next picinic blanket project. Have I mentioned that I love thrift shopping? Have I mentioned that the thrift stores and flea markets in Albuquerque are amazing? I had been frequenting one particular thrift store near my office because one of the employees alerted me that he had checked in a 'ton of yarn and craft supplies' the other day and they were about to hit the floor any time now. Well, I never saw any of that, even after going to the thrift store just about every day for a week and a half. Apparently someone else scooped them up when I wasn't looking. No craft supplies (not like I really need any, but still.... its hard to resist). But I found something even better. One day I found this:

A handmade quilt top. Its huge. And perfect for a picnic blanket! It looks like it was made from old shirts and has LOTS of character. And it also looks like whomever made it has about the same level of sewing skills as me (i.e., not that great). It needs a few repairs where it is coming apart, and of course, a back. But I can do that. I love that its totally random with seemingly no real pattern for the squares. Love it.
AND THEN, a few days later I found this:

Now this is a seriously awesome find. Another handmade quilt, this one completely finished and in really good condition. (There is one area that is frayed, but otherwise, perfect condition). It is backed with a really soft flannel fabric, has lots of batting in the middle (its gonna be really warm), and awesome fabrics:

so i take it i shouldn't bring my extra blankets....
good finds
Dang! Can I go to this shop in Oct?
no blankets will be needed. Molly
And Jamie, definatly!
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