Early last spring I got a great deal on some JoSharp Silkroad Aran Tweed at my yarn shop in Huntsville. This is a pretty high-end yarn and it was 60% off, so quite a deal :) I bought a bag plus a few skeins and imagined a beautiful cabled, tweedy sweater. It is by far the nicest yarn I have purchased and I knew it really needed a fabulous pattern, so I have been on the lookout for the most perfect pattern. And I found it. I cast on last night and have been working diligently since then (with much guilt about not finishing any of the other projects I currently have on the needles, but this is SPECIAL). And then tonight I thought, 'hmmm, this looks kind of big - I better measure it'. It is 24". And it is supposed to be 17". Not good. I did a gauge swatch in stockinette before I started and it was right on, but I guess the cables change the gauge. So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about a 7 inch difference. I am thinking about going down 2 needle sizes and eliminating one repeat of the cable pattern. I hope that will do it, because I really want this to work! 
In completely other news, I am looking for any beet recipes ya'll might have. Mr. Malone is sailing across the Pacific and I get to partake in the fruits (and vegetables) of his garden. And right now there are lots of beets. What to do with beets (other than dye yarn)?
shattered dreams? aren't you being a wee bit melodramatic?
the beets look good though-- they are actually really delicious grilled. ever have them that way? try it. do you have a grill? if not, we need to get one. i love grilling.
I would say roasting beets in the oven is also quite tasty, especially the baby ones. Scrub, snip off the tops for yummy sauteed beet greens, brush w/olive oil, add salt and pepper and roast at ~400 degrees until soft-ish, but not too soft.
I love beet pickles--not too difficult to do. Want my recipe?
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