As for modifications, I obviously turned it from a one-button cardigan into a full-fledged button down cardigan. I thought I'd be ok, but then I haphazardly had to add a bunch of stitches right under the yolk pattern because I realized that the sweater as it was would have trouble stretching around my chest. It makes it a little strange in the armpits, but it's not noticable when I'm wearing it. The pattern was really fast; I finished most of the knitting in less than three weeks. I'd definitely recommend it.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
...I know I'm not the only one knitting.... where are you?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Moonlight Mittens
Pattern by Molly Wick
Yarn: Natuasha Handknits Creative Focus Worsted, 1 skein
Needles: size 6 double pointed needles
CO 36 st on no. 6 dpns. Join for knitting in the round
*(K1, P1) Repeat until ribbing measures 7 cm.
Mitten Increases:
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Increase 1. Place marker. Knit to last st. Place marker before last stitch. Inc 1. The increase stitches between the two stitch markers will become the thumb for the mitten.
Rows 3: Inc 1. Knit cable chart* to last st. Inc 1.
Row 4-15: Inc 1. Knit as shown in cable chart. Inc 1.
Row 16: Put first 14 st on st holder. K37 (to st marker). Put remaining 13 st on st holder. The stitches on the stitch holder will form the thumb.
Mitten Body: 36 st on needles.
Row 17 and up: Knit cable repeat (in chart) until mitten measures 22cm from bottom of cuff. (cable on every fifth row)
Mitten Decreases:
Start these when mitten measures 22cm. Start with 36 st.
Row 1: k2tog, k15, ssk, k2tog, k15, ssk. This should finish round.
Row 2: k2tog, k13, ssk, k2tog, k13, ssk
Row 3: k2tog, k11, ssk, k2tog, k11, ssk
Row 4: k2tog, k9, ssk, k2tog, k9, ssk
Row 5: k2tog, k7, ssk, k2tog, k7, ssk
Row 6: k2tog, k5, ssk, k2tog, k5, ssk
Row 7: Put remaining st on two dpns, the front on one dpn and the back on another. Use third needle to knit into first two st on each needle, and bind off the two sides together to close the end.
Mitten Thumb:
Pick up 26 st on dpns from st holder.
Row 1: k12, inc, inc, k12. 28st.
Row 2: k2tog, k11, inc, inc, k11, ssk.
Row 3: k2tog, k24 ssk.
Row 4: k2tog, k8, sssk (slip 3 & knit), k3tog, k8, ssk.
Row 5: k2tog, k6, ssk, k2tog, k6, ssk.
Row 6: k2tog, k4, ssk, k2tog, k4, ssk.
Row 7: Cut working end and thread it through remaining st. Knot on inside of thumb.
Weave in all ends. Block if desired (suggested) and enjoy!
*To cable: place first 2 "x" stitches (from cable chart) on cable needle and place these behind or in front of knitting, according to chart. Knit next two stitches. Knit two stitches off of cable needle, and continue in pattern. The cable pattern calls for three cables across the back of the mitten, so you repeat the cable three times. The middle cable has a “worm” form, from alternating where the held cable stitches are placed ( in front or in back of work) while knitting other two stitches.
Cable Charts
If you'd like to make these mittens and what a better copy of the pattern & cable chart, just let me know and I can send it to you.