Yarn: Dream in Color Classy
Needles: US 10.5
Start: 9.19.08
Finish: 10.7.08
I finished this shrug almost a month ago. I really love the pattern and the yarn, but I'm not sure if I'll really wear this very much. I haven't worn it yet, but the weather hasn't really been appropriate. The sleeves turned out to be a little bit too big - they are kind of loose and I wish they were tighter. I guess I need to bulk up a little :) And the bind off is too tight. So really what I need to do to make it wearable is to undo the bind off and do a sewn bind off so that it isn't so tight under my armpits. But that involves undoing and finding/picking up A LOT of stitches, which is not one of my favorite things. And the doing the bind off itself will probably take forever. Its one of those things that I will eventually do, but it might not be until next spring when I actually want to wear the garment. The shrug itself was really simple to make - its just a big square that is then folded and the sides partially sewn together to make the arms. The lace pattern was really easy to memorize, too. Its a really is a cute shrug and I love the color of the yarn. I think it will look really cute over a black dress.
Speaking of black, I dressed up as a raven for Halloween. My costume involved hot glueing a lot of feathers. Sister dressed up as a picnic which involved a lot of fake grass. Our house was a mess for a couple days during the creative process, but it all got cleaned up. Molly didnt' get a photo of her costume, but I did!
I love that shrug...I really want to make one for the winter. I may check that one out, it looks doable. Also, again, I have to tell you what a cute bird you make. ;)
Thanks. I like birds. and I'll send you the pattern. Its really easy.
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